Naz Panju Championing Mental Health at UK Universities

Naz Panju was honoured to chair The Mental Health at Universities Talk with the Conservative Policy Forum. They were joined by affected University students & Robert & Maggie Abrahart who lost their daughter (Natasha Abrahart) to suicide.

About the Event

Students at University are particularly vulnerable to mental health struggles as they're often living away from home and dealing with the stresses of adult life for the first time. Mental health and wellbeing impacts on a student’s ability to engage with the world around them. A recent report by The Insight Network and student organisation Dig-In, found that one in five students has a current mental health diagnosis. The survey also found that:

  • Almost half of the 21,000 students surveyed have experienced a serious psychological issue for which they needed professional help
  • Students in the second and third year of university were at significantly higher risk than first years for feelings of worry, loneliness, substance misuse and thoughts of self-harm
  • Almost half of students reported thoughts of self-harm
  • More than three quarters have concealed their symptoms due to fears of stigma.

In this discussion we looked at developing policies that can help students in university with mental health concerns and considering the responsibility that universities have towards students, given the difficulties that many face.

Naz Panju: 'We must do more to protect our students. Its a proud moment when politics makes a difference in lives! Applaud the parents of Natasha Abrahart who have actively challenged the status quo over the responsibility Universities must take for their students'