Naz Panju - Protecting our UK Education system from Foreign Intervention

Naz Panju was invited to speak at a Conservative Policy Forum Event to raise awareness about China buying several schools in the UK. It's relevant to revisit this issue given ongoing concerns about China's interventions in the country.

About the Event

In order to stay and work in the UK after graduation an international student has four months to apply for a Visa and get a job paying at least £20,800 per year. Although the number of international students in the UK was growing it is now not as fast as the growth in students going to countries like Canada or Australia who both have a more welcoming visa system. Should we create a more welcoming visa system? Are the UK Universities becoming financially dependant on overseas students? Will demand continue to increase and what about the future of online courses instead of physically coming to the UK? What impact will COVID-19 have on International student numbers? How does the more recent Chinese influence / involvement into the British Education system impact us? What are the benefits and risks of such involvement / investment and should the government intervene to control this? What should we do with International Students?

Naz Panju: 'It must raise alarm bells when any country is buying our several of our education establishments'